


My time since the last post has been spent working through promise and opportunity in the growing world of connected intelligence. I have the fortune of a personal network of intelligent, dedicated, and insightful people filled with diverse perspectives ranging through technology and life. I've always kept a focus not only on devoting my time and energy toward furthering valued business objectives but also to ones that are good for its stakeholders and the world in general.

There is amazing power in being a part of something bigger than yourself that matters.

The consistent theme has been in finding ways to enable more people to make the growing capacity of connected intelligence an instrument of their imagination. This will result in a better world AND create a sustainable business to better the lives of its employees and stakeholders. The devil is in the details so how to accomplish this?

We live in a physical world and the world of technology is increasingly digital. The translation between the two is through intelligent, diverse, and connected "things", that we interact with and that interact with each other. These physical/digital interactions are designed to harness the power of the digital world and are now so common it has a name, the Internet of Things (IoT). For the more demanding solutions such as those found in science and industry an extended label has been declared called the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).

Being physical creatures by nature we humans naturally understand the physical world but as we get deeper into the digital realm it takes more specialization and education to understand how to create and use its capabilities for value and benefit. The digital world's engine is described as a computing cloud, which is really a vast collection of connected computers both public and private.

The cloud provides specialized services that use interaction and data to produce information with value for people and their businesses.

While the cloud is that engine or "big brain", it must work through networked communications channels to with edge devices or things, which interact with the physical world and perform more specialized tasks. To realize the IoT/IIoT value a continued balance is required between the increasing complexity of solutions and the evolving tools to manage it.

People have many challenges in capturing that value. Some have enough experience with the things to imagine at a high level how to organize them to produce new valued capabilities, but not enough to successfully navigate the digital world. Others are told that the IoT can deliver new value to them but they don't have the relevant experience to understand how that is possible or what it consists of. There are many reasons why people and businesses cannot take full advantage of connected intelligence and the cloud services that enhance it. This often results in a gaps between cloud service providers, connected intelligence, their customers, and the people and organizations that benefit from their wares. 

This represents a large opportunity space. My response is to enable my customers imagination in creating valued turnkey solutions that can connect diverse and optimized cloud capabilities with integrated edge systems. Cloud service providers benefit through new customers and those with the things get new value. I take care of the engineering and services to make that connection possible. Their success leads to my success and I don't want to do anything where someone already does a great job.

My mission is to use my startup and engineering experience in this space to connect complementary products, services, and customers, so they can focus on what they do best. To me that is being part of something bigger than yourself. 

Time will tell where this adventure leads but I know it is best fueled by a culture of integrity, dedication, and win-win interactions. I look forward to having a discussion with you on how we can turn your imagination into that valued solution, product, or business.

I have spent the last 5 years getting Innovari off the ground and working with a fantastic team of dedicated people who are truly motivated to change the way the world uses energy.

Power is one of the foundational ingredients to life as we know it around the globe. Having spent considerable time in many different parts of the world I have seen how the efficient delivery of power can change industries, countries, and lives.  An idea was the spark that enabled a determined team with vision and an opportunity to be a part of something bigger than themselves, to create a solution that makes a difference for all its stakeholders in a profound way.

I have also experienced the full breadth of business activities in enabling a mission-critical global solution that requires a central "cloud" brain and diverse engineered connection endpoints. Combining these hard considerations with the soft considerations generated by cultural diversity ranging from my home country of the United States on through India, Asia, Middle East, and Latin America has also been an eye-opener. My experiences as CTO included not only the typical technology focused elements but also many other areas such as sales, product development, R&D, Intellectual Property, business process, and more.

Through these experiences I have developed a deep understanding of the 2-way grid of the future and the technology and business considerations that feed into its evolution. The opportunities presented by the rapidly changing grid are large and so are the challenges.

Now I'm coming back to Endeavor Engineering with a new perspective on what is possible and how it can be accomplished with the increased evolution and convergence of technology, business, and society. While my recent experiences are in the electric power industry, many of the same considerations apply elsewhere.

I look forward to hearing from you on your thoughts and how Endeavor Engineering can provide value to your cause.

More to come as the Endeavor Engineering reboot takes place ...